Full Stack Developer with 13 years of experience building websites and web applications. I specialize in Laravel and Livewire, but I am also proficient in WordPress, TailwindCSS, Alpine.js, and more. I am a self-starter and a quick learner, always looking to improve my skills and learn new technologies. I am currently working as a Laravel Web App Developer for Automotive Risk Management Partners, building and maintaining a compliance dashboard for the automotive industry.

Automotive Risk Management Partners
Laravel Web App Developer
Dec 2022 - Current
- Sole developer to build and manage a compliance dashboard.
- Built with the TALL stack (TailwindCSS, Alpinejs, Laravel, Livewire)
- Features: Multi-Tenancy, Employee Invites, Roles/Permissions, Courses/Quizes, PDF Report Generation, Vendor Forms, Audit Forms, 3rd party API Intergrations, Notifications, Email Reminders, and more.
- Custom CRM built with Laravel and filament to manage potential and current clients and contacts, integrated with the MailCoach API to add new contacts to mailing lists.
- Custom built and managed WordPress marketing site.

TurnKey Digital
WordPress Developer
Mar 2011 - Dec 2022
- Built custom WordPress websites for local businesses
- Product/Location Photography and Video

Web App for Automotive Risk Management Partners using Laravel and Livewire

Website for Automotive Risk Management Partners using Wordpress

Website for Automotive Risk Management Partners using Laravel and Livewire